
About Me

I have just crossed over into the ‘Dirty 30’s’ without too much fuss.

My house currently consists of a long-suffering husband, opinionated toddler, devoted (to my husband) whippet and 2 cats that dislike each other intensely.

I am an Interior Designer who specialises in Corporate Office Design.

Self-confessed gym freak.

Passionate about cities and architecture.

Aspiring entrepreneur.

I was an exchange student whilst still in school and spent 2 months living in the South of France.

Addicted to technology…would have my Kindle and Blackberry surgically attached if it were possible. Is it possible??

I want to run a marathon before I get too old.

Love travelling and have visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, France, Germany, Ireland, Mozambique and Zanzibar.

Don't have a favourite colour.

The reason I decided to start blogging? In my daily grind I spend a lot of time on the net doing research and often come across awesome things that excite me. This is a place for me to store these finds and also gives me the opportunity to share them with you! 


  1. Hi Kerry

    What a fantastic blog to stumble across. I just read your article in Entrepreneur magazine and so did some online research into who you are. The web hey... you can find anyone in the web?

    I loved your article!

    I am an Anthropology kid, working at a property development company and saving for my MA.

    One of our current challenges in the company is in fact interior design and decorating and so your tips are just what I need to go forward with one of our projects!

    In February I returned from eight months in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. Five of the eight months were spent in Stone Town, Zanzibar.

    This is where I first became really and truly interested in the built urban environment. I am going to do my MA in Urban Anthropology!

    I would love it if you could take a stroll through my blog, as it deals with urban issues, dance and performance, youth and anything else that I stumble across while I am going my research on the net as well!

    If you have any other tips on corporate office design, and wouldn't mind swinging them this way, I would be most grateful. What I think our main issue is is making the space feel more...welcoming.

    1. Hey LK

      Thanks so much for the positive feedback!
      I've subscribed to your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts.
      I'll be writing regular design focused articles for keep a look out.
      I'll also post the link here on my blog.

      Best of luck!
